Hi, I am Ye Tao, a Master Student in Computer Technology at State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, Beihang University. My research interests include computer vision, computer graphics, generative model, etc.

🔥 News

🎓 Education

🔭 Research Interests

  • Computer Vision
  • Computer Graphics
  • Generative Model

📖 Publications

  • Shi, Yahao, Ye Tao, Mingjia Yang, Yun Liu, Li Yi, and Bin Zhou. “Articulated Motion-Aware NeRF for 3D Dynamic Appearance and Geometry Reconstruction by Implicit Motion States.” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2024).

🏆 Honors and Awards

  • 2019 - 2022, School Outstanding Student Scholarship of Northwestern Polytechnical University

📫 Correspondence